Teen Counseling

You could be right about your teen’s problem.

Sometimes it can be difficult to determine if your teen is headed for trouble when it comes to substance use.

Many teens experiment with drinking and drug use, and they are often able to establish limits on their own.

However, there are many who cannot and others who are struggling with unresolved issues that have resulted in substance abuse.

Most teens will hide their substance use…

…and parents may not know until it has reached a crisis point.

However, there are some warning signs: habits change, grades suffer, they’re less cooperative, their language or the way they communicate has changed, they push limits or ignore boundaries, their sleeping habits have changed, and they’re getting in trouble in school.

No one of these warning signs alone is indicative of substance abuse – but taken together, various levels of any of these may indicate that your teen is in trouble or headed for trouble with substances.

If you believe your teen is struggling with substance abuse, we can help.

We can help you to determine the severity of the problem.

We work with your teen to determine the “why” of their substance use and help them to establish healthier habits. We also help you to determine if your teen would benefit from inpatient treatment.

Don’t let your concern go a day longer.

If you THINK your teen may have a problem, there is most likely a problem.

Call today (561) 569-7372. We can help!