Relapse Prevention

Successful recovery is not about willpower.

There are not many people who recover from addiction without experiencing relapse.

You are not alone!

Like many other diseases, addiction is a chronic relapsing disorder and it can take several repeated relapses before achieving and sustaining long-term recovery.

There can be multiple triggers.

Often we are unaware of the physical, mental and emotional triggers that lead us back to substance use.

Fostering Resilience™ Relapse Prevention is a manualized program that combines traditional cognitive behavioral relapse prevention with mindfulness and shame reduction.

It will help you to identify the triggers that may be outside of your awareness, and address those triggers in order to prevent relapse.

How does it work?

Fostering Resilience™ Relapse Prevention is a manualized program that can be implemented individually, through individual counseling or through group counseling.

It’s an 8-10 week program where ideally we meet for 2 sessions per week. Fostering Resilience™ Relapse Prevention will help you to build strong mental, emotional and spiritual muscles to protect you against relapse.

Long-term recovery is possible.

But you can’t do it alone.

Call us today and let’s talk about how you can learn to sustain your recovery (561) 569-7372.